Coupled Hydrogeophysical Simulation of a Pumping Test in an Unconfined Aquifer and its Associated Gravimetric Anomaly
Mathematical Geosciences
Coupled Hydrogeophysical Simulation of a Pumping Test in an Unconfined Aquifer and its Associated Gravimetric Anomaly
González-Quirós, Andrés y Fernández-Álvarez, J. Paulino
The quantification of hydrogeological properties has been traditionally restricted to intrusive measurements. This limitation has led to a growing number of geophysical techniques, which with its hydrological applications are included in a field known as “Hydrogeo-physics”. The mass variation linked to hydraulic head change gener-ates gravimetric anomalies detectable with improved microgravity in-struments. Therefore it leads to a complementary monitoring strategy. Very recent papers have shown the capabilities of hydro-gravimetry, but all of them used independent codes for flow and gravity. The use of separate codes leads to problems with heterogeneous domains or data transfer. This paper describes how the fluid extraction in an un-confined aquifer is coupled in a single program to the corresponding gravimetric simulation of its anomaly. In addition we explain how to estimate a transient parameter under steady flow conditions.